Drinking Fizzy Water Could Damage Your Teeth

We know many Illume clients have already taken on board advice about how drinking water rather than fizzy drinks will protect their teeth from acid erosion – but an expert is now warning that sparkling water can also be damaging.
Dr Edmond Hewlett from the UCLA School of Dentistry says fizzy or carbonated water is more acidic than still water.
Drinking fizzy water causes a chemical reaction that produces carbonic acid and gives the drink its distinctive ‘crisp’ taste but that same substance may also damage our dental health.
Tim Rumney, practice owner and clinical director at Illume, says: “People who drink fizzy water should be particularly careful not to swish it around their mouths when drinking.
‘If you’re sipping and keeping the acidic drink in your mouth, and doing it frequently, this can lead to acid erosion.
“This is because the acid in the fizzy water will dissolve the enamel of the tooth to create erosion. These acids are produced very quickly and can begin to damage teeth within minutes. The message is, as ever, drink your carbonated water in one go, drink it cold and through a straw.
“It takes 30 to 45 minutes for the mouth to return to normal, so frequent consumption creates more acid attacks.
“Fizzy water is still a better option than sugary soft drinks but I would advise that still mineral water is the safest choice when it comes to maintaining good dental health,” he added.