Sports mouthguards
Prevention is better – and cheaper – than a cure. If you play contact sports, such as rugby, hockey or martial arts, having a professionally-fitted mouthguard can dramatically decrease the risk of injuring your teeth. Sports mouthguards can protect against everything from minor surface damage, through to major factures, nerve exposure, root fractures and even the complete loss of a tooth. We believe that they should be an essential piece of your kit.
Are they really necessary?
Even something small like a minor fracture can result in permanent damage and disfigurement. Once damaged, a tooth can never fully recover, and even minor damage can eventually lead to nerve death. Wearing a sports mouthguard can save you from a lifetime of discomfort, or procedures like fillings, root canals, crowns and dental implants.
Benefits of professional mouthguards
While you can buy cheap, do-it-yourself mouthguards online, they are notoriously difficult to mould properly, fit poorly, and offer little protection. In contrast, our sports mouthguards are custom-made in a special laboratory using a detailed model of your mouth to create a perfect fit. Plus, if you opt for a custom-made guard, you can choose from a huge variety of team colours, stripes and designs. We can even personalise it further by adding your name to prevent loss or mix-ups.